Naturbility Service Agreement

Naturbility Service Agreement

Last Updated: 10 July 2024

Didier will state before a hike if it is managed under Naturbility (NDIS) or Hiking.

All Naturbility hikes and other activities will be recognised as “Activities” within the Service Agreement.

At LifeTrail, we value consistent and high-quality intervention. Didier is not a registered NDIS Service Provider. We aim to follow NDIS recommendations, keep them under consideration, and keep the Naturbility program viable and available. How everyone involved in a program is cared for will determine its success and level of service.

This Agreement of Service provides support under the client’s NDIS plan. I also encourage you to read LifeTrail’s general Terms Of Booking And Participation, which will provide you with additional information.

It will be assumed that before a session or a hike, the client has sufficient funds and permission under their plan to pay for the cost on completion.

Schedule of supports

LifeTrail Naturbility agrees to provide the client with walking, hiking, other agreed activities and mentoring servicesThe supports and prices are set out in the attached Schedule of Supports. All prices are per person and are currently not subject to GST. They include the cost of providing the support. Additional expenses (i.e., not included as part of a client NDIS support) are the responsibility of the client/client representative. They are not included in the cost of the support.

Both parties will agree if more than one LifeTrail representative is to attend any session, and the client will be charged for both. LifeTrail reserves the right to decide if a hike requires more than one guide/support worker to meet government, Outdoor Standards, and safety considerations.

All of the information below has been designed to service one participant. When a service is given to more than one participant, these will be treated on a case-by-case basis, which does not necessarily mean the costs below will be shared.

LifeTrail Responsibilities

LifeTrail agrees to the following:

  • Assess and review the provision of planning and support needed during a hike
  • Once agreed, provide the hike at a mutually agreed time
  • Communicate openly and honestly promptly.
  • Consult the client about how support is provided. Treat the client with courtesy and respect.
  • Encourage open communication, give the client information about managing complaints or disagreements and details of the LifeTrail cancellation policy.
  • Listen to the client’s feedback and resolve problems quickly.
  • Give the client a minimum of 24 hours’ notice if LifeTrail has to change a scheduled appointment, which is no longer than one full day to provide support;
  • Give the client the required notice if LifeTrail needs to change or end any agreement.
  • Protect the client’s privacy and confidential information.
  • Provide support consistent with all relevant laws, including the NDIS Act 2013 and Rules and the Australian Consumer Law.
  • Keep accurate records of the support provided to the client and
  • Will issue invoices and statements if required of the support delivered to the participant.
Responsibilities of the client/client representative

The client/client representative agrees to the following:

  • Inform LifeTrail about how they wish the support delivered to meet the client’s needs.
  • Treat LifeTrail workers with courtesy and respect.
  • We are very approachable; talk to LifeTrail if the client has concerns about the support.
  • Give LifeTrail the required notice if the client cannot make a scheduled appointment, noting that if the notice is not provided, LifeTrail’s cancellation policy will apply.
  • Give LifeTrail the required notice if the client needs to end this Service Agreement (see ‘Ending this Service Agreement’ below for more information); and
  • Please let LifeTrail know immediately if the client’s NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new plan or if the client stops participating in the NDIS.


LifeTrail will seek payment for the support they provide after it has been delivered. An invoice will be emailed to the client’s nominated Plan Manager.


Costs are constructed within the NDIS Price Guide and LifeTrail business requirements

Item Number Item Name and Notes Unit National

Day Hikes And Other Activities
04_104_0125_6_1 – Access Community, Social And Rec Activities – Standard – Weekday Daytime – $67.56 per hour
04_103_0125_6_1 – Access Community, Social And Rec Activities – Standard – Weekday Evening – $74.44 per hour
04_105_0125_6_1 Access Community, Social And Rec Activities – Standard – Saturday Hour – $95.07 per hour
04_106_0125_6_1 Access Community, Social And Rec Activities – Standard – Sunday Hour – $122.59 per hour

Multiday Hikes – Two Guides
04_210_0125_6_1 – Community, Social and Recreational Activities – 8 to 10 hours per day – $135.12 per hour

What is charged?

The following are charged no matter what NDIS Price Guide Item or service charge is agreed on.

  • If you choose to continue with our services, the first session (60 minutes) will be charged. If there is no second meeting, there will be no charge unless LifeTrails assesses the first meeting as a consultation. 
  • Contact F2F Activity planning.
  • Provider travel time ( up to 30 min each way)
  • Travel fuel costs (e.g., 6 km @ $1.00/km = $6.00) – from my home office to our agreed meeting place
  • Transport of the participant to and from the activity location
  • Contact support by phone, email, texting
  • Non-contact support – activity preparation 
  • Post-contact support assessment and report for Provider information
  • Post-contact support discussion with any support network as requested by the participant, support network or at the request of the Provider

Changes to this Service Agreement
If changes to the supports or their delivery are required, the parties agree to discuss and review this Service Agreement. The parties agree that any changes to this Service Agreement will be made in writing, signed, and dated by the parties.

Ending this Service Agreement

Should either party wish to end this Service Agreement, they must give 2 weeks’ notice. The notice requirement will be waived if either party breaches this Service Agreement.

Feedback, complaints and disputes

If the client wishes to give LifeTrail feedback or is not happy with the support provided and wishes to make a complaint, the participant can talk to Didier on 0410 756 065.

If the client is unsatisfied or does not want to talk to this person at any time, they can file a complaint with the NDIS Commission. Complaints to the NDIS Commission can be lodged:

  • online at; or
  • by phone on: 1800 035 544

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

GST is not charged on NDIS service bookings.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel an appointment, session, walk, hike, or outing, it is recommended it occur 7 days (e.g., Monday to Monday) before to avoid the cancellation fee. If you contact LifeTrail within 7 days before your appointment, a cancellation fee of 100% will be charged to your account following the booked time, and payment will be due by your next appointment. The fee includes travel, vehicle and all contact costs.

Should LifeTrail arrive at your scheduled appointment and you and your child are not at home or the appointment location with no prior notice, the scheduled session, including travel, will be charged 100% of the scheduled fee.

Where multiple cancellations or no-shows occur in 3 months, LifeTrail will contact the client, family, and, if appropriate, their support network to establish the support we provide best suited to the family dynamics and the client’s needs.

Multiday Hikes

2 days/1 nights, or more (Including travel, transport, hiking and non-hiking days)

All NDIS multiday hike booking terms and conditions will be discussed and mutually agreed upon before planning the hike to meet the client’s needs.

Suppose you need to cancel a multiday hike/trip. In that case, it is recommended that you do so at least 21 clear days before the booked time to allow LifeTrail appropriate time to keep current NDIS participants informed and support fulfilled and take care of the Assistant Guide/Mentor.

LifeTrail Cancels

Where LifeTrail cancels support due to operational reasons out of our control, the service will be rescheduled with no penalty for either party. LifeTrail is incredibly passionate about our services; we will not cancel a session unless necessary, and it will be discussed with the client as soon as possible or at the time of planning.

Operational reasons may be.

  • Traffic on route to the session and hike location
  • The provider is unwell
  • The vehicle cannot be driven
  • Weather – heat
  • Very high fire rating
  • Bush fire

Weather conditions
Hiking is designed to take us out of our comfort zones and challenge our beliefs about what is possible. There is a saying in the hiking community: “There is no bad weather in hiking, only bad gear and attitudes.”

Didier has approximately 3000 km of hiking experience and has safely guided hundreds of groups of children, teens and adults in all types of weather, including severe weather warnings.

As much as we aim to be prepared for all weather conditions during outdoor activities, including hiking, it is impossible to be accurate. The weather is not an acceptable reason to cancel a hike unless it is seen as a safety reason, which LifeTrail will decide upon following consultation with appropriate government departments. It is impossible to get a good weather forecast more than a couple of days ahead; even then, it can change.

If the client chooses not to participate in a hike due to weather conditions, e.g., rain, it will be treated under our cancellation policy (see above).

Under the DBCA and Department of Parks and Wildlife commercial operator licence, LifeTrail is required to assess and possibly cancel a hike due to hot weather and a Very High fire rating, which is only publicised the day before.

Before The Participant Agrees And Signs
  • Read through the agreement carefully, and take your time
  • Ask someone you trust to read through it with you to get one another opinion.
  • Ask Didier any questions or further explanation.
  • If you haven’t already done so, you must meet with Didier first.

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions – Sign your Service Agreement.


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