Mentoring Service Agreement
Mentoring Service Agreement
Last Updated: 15.02.2025.
This service agreement intends to provide both the participant and Provider with a straightforward understanding of our work together and to protect both the participant and provider. Our agreement is always encouraged to be communicated to empower you to speak to me with any questions or concerns. This is a valuable life lesson in dealing with others in your community. When you agree to use your NDIS budget to pay for support, you are entering into a contract with your provider.
LifeTrail’s approach to dealing with NDIS Participants in person and through administration was developed after many hours of speaking to Participants, the NDIS, LACs, and other members of a support team.
Didier Monot owns LifeTrail, a registered business name with ABN 67 658 838 920. Didier and LifeTrail are unregistered NDIS Service Providers who can work with Self- and Plan-Managed NDIS clients.
As Didier is not registered, an NDIS Service Agreement is not required or valid under the NDIS; it is still protected under WA Consumer Protection Law as any business.
To provide participants with a safe and professional service, we have the following
- $ 10’000,000 Public Liability and $ 1’000,000 Professional Indemnity Insurances
- Current first-aid certificate
- Current Working With Children Check
- Certificate IV in Residential and Community Care of Children (-18 yrs.)
- NDIS Screening: 4-IVL7V44
How do we describe a support session?
Contact mentoring may involve a face-to-face meeting by all parties at a mutually agreed-upon location. It may also involve a contact session in a workplace or a place of study when a support worker or mentor is with the client. Our meeting may also be held via a Microsoft Teams video call.
Non-contact support is work done in the background, depending on the goals we aim to achieve. It could involve activity research, report writing, or other support searches.
Other-Contact is my contact with third-party people, including personal, like family and professional support, Centrelink, DES Provider, and NDIS representatives.
We will work with other support services if they assist the client in reaching their individual goal.
It will be agreed by both parties if more than one LifeTrail representative is to attend any session, and the client will be charged for both. LifeTrail reserves the right to decide if a session requires more than one Support Worker / Mentor to meet government and safety reasons.
LifeTrail Responsibilities
LifeTrail agrees to the following:
- Assess and review the provision of planning and support needed to reach the client’s goal
- Once agreed, provide sessions at a mutually agreed time and location
- Communicate openly and honestly promptly;
- Treat the client with courtesy and respect;
- Consult the client on decisions about how support is provided;
- Encourage open communication, give the client information about managing any complaints or disagreements and details of LifeTrail’s cancellation policy;
- Listen to the client’s feedback and resolve problems quickly;
- Give the client a minimum of 2hours’rs notice if LifeTrail have to change a scheduled appointment, which is no longer than one full day to provide support;
- Give the client the required notice if LifeTrail need to change or end any agreement.
- Protect the client’s privacy and confidential information;
- Provide support in a manner consistent with all relevant laws, including the NDIS Act 2013 Rules and the Australian Consumer Law;
- Keep accurate records of the support provided to the client and
- If required, we will issue invoices and statements of the support delivered to the participant.
Responsibilities of the participant/participant representative
The participant/participant representative agrees to the following:
- Inform LifeTrail about how they wish the support to be delivered to meet the client’s needs;
- Treat LifeTrail’s workers with courtesy and respect;
- We are very approachable; talk to LifeTrail if the client has any concerns about the supports being provided;
- Give LifeTrail the required notice if the client cannot make a scheduled appointment, noting that if the notice is not provided, Didier Walks cancellation policy will apply;
- Give LifeTrail the required notice if the client needs to end this Service Agreement (see ‘Ending this Service Agreement’ below for more information); and
- Please let LifeTrail know immediately if the client’s NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new plan or if the client stops participating in the NDIS.
- Give LifeTrail an accurate total budget of funding available for the agreed period of service.
- Please notify LifeTrail immediately if plan funding is insufficient to cover the cost of past, current, or future support.
What To Expect
This first meeting is to get to know each other and see if we are a good fit. We will meet for approx. 45 minutes the first time at your chosen location. The first session will only be charged if the service continues.
Getting to know each other continues. I assist you in choosing a goal and creating a path to get there. Paths are often not straight lines but run into curves, intersections and hills to pass on our way to a goal. We will decide how long it may take to meet your expectations and NDIS funding limits to meet this goal, and it’s good to set an assessment time.
“How long will it all take?” I understand you may be eager and excited, want to change your circumstances and budget your funding to meet all your life goals. So, I encourage continuous and transparent communication.
LifeTrail will seek payment for their provision of support after it has been delivered. We will email the client’s nominated person or plan manager an invoice. We will assume that the participant has sufficient funds and permission under their plan to pay for the cost on completion before a session. If the Plan Manager notifies Life Trail that funding is not available, the Participant has two weeks to arrange available NDIS funding or self-fund the invoice.
All prices are per person and are currently not subject to GST. They include the cost of providing the support. Additional expenses (i.e., things not included in a client’s NDIS support) are the responsibility of the client or client representative.
LifeTrail prices are always based on the current NDIS 2024/2025 Price Guide Arrangements and Price Limits.
The following Price Guide Item is simply a guide. It may not suit your needs or the services you will receive, so we will find one that does. If support is required outside the normal daytime hours, we will both agree to this and the cost prior to any session.
- Prices are until adjusted by NDIS
Capacity Building – Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports
09_006_0106_6_3 – Life Transition Planning Incl. Mentoring Peer Support And Indiv Skill Develop – from $77.00 per hour
Capacity Building – Finding and Keeping a Job – Workplace Assistance
10_016_0102_5_3 – Employment Support – from $77.00 per hour
Finding and Keeping a Job – School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)
10_021_0102_5_3 – School Leaver Employment Supports – (read below How Does SLES Funding Work) –
Handling NDIS Adjustments
When the price guide is adjusted the indexation is added to the participants plan, there is no change in the hours allocated. As this is usually between 3%-6% the dollar value can be small; for example at 3% this would be a $3,000 increase to core funding of $100,000 per year, it is also applied pro-rota so if their plan renewal date is December they would only see an increase for 6 months which would be $1,500 extra in the plan. – For futher information please speak to the NDIS, your Support Coordinator or Plan Manager.
Why LifeTrail Prefers Capacity Building, rather than Core
Didier attempts to keep a balanced number of participants for a healthy workload and the flexibility he needs to work one-on-one and be available for short notice events, NDIS-related meetings, employer/uni/TAFE and on-the-job support when participants need me. This means that sessions are not linked up, and the potential to earn an adequate income is less, so this is how Capacity Building helps due to the higher hourly rate to be available when participants and parents want me to be. Didier brings over 15 years of knowledge, expertise, and experience, to which participants have access and will benefit.
What is charged?
The following are charged no matter what NDIS Price Guide Item or service charge is agreed on.
- The first session (60 minutes) if you choose to continue with our services. If there is no second meeting, there will be no charge.
- Contact-support preparation
- Provider travel time ( up to 30 min each way)
- Travel fuel costs (e.g., 6 km @ $1.00/km = $6.00) – from my home office to our agreed meeting place
- Contact support
- Non-contact support
- Post-contact support assessment and report for Provider information
- Post-contact support discussion with any support network as requested by the participant, support network or at the request of the Provider
How does SLES funding work?
SLES is included in the NDIS support category Capacity Building Finding and Keeping a Job.
The funding is delivered annually for up to two years, with participants getting a lump sum of around $22,000 that they can spend on SLES support over a year, 48 or 52 weeks. The weeks are decided between the Participant and the Provider (LifeTrail) to offer the best support and meet short, medium, and long-term goals.
Rather than charge an hourly rate, SLES service providers and participants will agree on a schedule of activities for the year and a fair price. This is to be agreed upon before we begin. LifeTrail prefers to invoice weekly, and on one-to-one support, we find using an hourly rate, which will be around $93.00 per hour, is still the best approach.
Changes to this Agreement
If changes to support or delivery are required, the parties agree to discuss and review if this Agreement Of Service is still appropriate.
Ending this Agreement
Should either party wish to end this Service Agreement, they must give two weeks’ notice. The notice requirement will be waived if either party breaches this Service Agreement.
Feedback, complaints, and disputes
If the client wishes to give LifeTrail feedback or is unhappy with the support provided and wishes to make a complaint, the participant can contact Didier at 0410 756 065.
If the client is unsatisfied or does not want to talk to this person at any time, they can speak to their Support Coordinator or LAC.
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
The Parties confirm that LifeTrail is not subject to GST for GST legislation while invoicing through the NDIS.
Cancellation Policy
At LifeTrail, we value consistent, high-quality intervention. We follow all NDIS recommendations regarding session cancellations by participants and providers.
Obligations for Participants
If you need to cancel an appointment, LifeTrail will follow what the NDIS considers “short notice. ” This assists a small provider like LifeTrail in staying in business, remaining flexible, and continuing to offer services.
Important Note: NDIS and participant plans are geared to cover any cancellations and are expected occasionally.
To avoid paying a cancellation fee, Participants should do the following:
- Show up for the scheduled support at a reasonable time, whether at home or another location.
- If the provider is travelling, the Participant should be at the agreed-upon destination within a reasonable time.
- If a cancellation is required, the Participant should give the appropriate notice outlined in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.
If a Participant doesn’t meet the criteria above, the provider may claim for the cost of short notice cancellation. A provider may claim 100% of the agreed-upon fee in these situations.
How much notice does a Participant have to provide for a cancellation?
The NDIS considers a cancellation “short notice” if the Participant cancels the service with less than 7 clear days’ notice before the support is due. However, if the service agreement between a Participant and their provider specifies a shorter notice period, that will take precedence.
Should LifeTrail arrive at your scheduled appointment and the agreed-upon participant and support network are not at home or the appointment location without prior notice, the scheduled session, including travel and vehicle, will be charged 100% of the scheduled fee.
Where multiple cancellations or no-shows occur in 3 months, LifeTrail will initiate contact with the participant, family, if appropriate, and their support network to establish that the support we are providing is best suited to the family dynamics and needs of the client.
Obligations for LifeTrail
Where LifeTrail cancels support for operational reasons, LifeTrail will reschedule the service at no penalty to either party.
Operational reasons may be.
- Traffic on route to the session
- The provider is unwell.
- The vehicle cannot be driven.
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions – Sign your Service Agreement.