What Is SLES?
- SLES is personalised, flexible support offered to young people to create their unique pathway to employment
- SLES stands for School Leaver Employment Support.
- It is available to NDIS-eligible Year 12 school leavers.
- Helps young people prepare for and take part in open employment. (Read Q&A What Is Open Employment below)
- The support is for up to two years.
- The support provided is based on the individual’s goals, situation, skills, and support needs.
- The program is designed to be flexible with no set price limits and will be set with your needs and goals in mind.
Guidance and Support Offered
Below is a vast list of every path we can take together to assist you in reaching your goals, if and when appropriate.
- Always individual and personal one-on-one sessions and support
- Communication in the workplace, social and public situations
- Applying for and dealing with Centrelink, youth allowance and Disability Support Pension
- Transport/travel training
- Discuss and plan around why you want to work in open employment
- Time management
- Traineeships & Apprenticeships
- Strategic job search
- Expert in employment reverse marketing and job creation
- Further education through a TAFE or university
- Understanding and writing a job cover letter, Resume and Selection Criteria
- Types of interviews and preparation
- Mentoring
- Your life transition for you and your family
- Working in small and bigger teams
- Working alone
- Start your micro-business/self-employment
- All the different strategies to find suitable job opportunities
- Practical computer literacy
- Short, medium and goal setting
- Making friendships at work
- Volunteering as a step to open employment (eg: Fiona Stanely Hospital Volunteering Program)
- Different workplace cultures
- Working with different level Managers
- Different workplace cultures
- Connection with other providers to strengthen your opportunities, e.g., Exercise Physiologist, Driving OT Specialist
- Understanding expectations
- Employment rights and responsibilities
- Self-management
- Detailed reports for NDIS plans
Why SLES With Didier?
Hi, I’m Didier. Thanks for your interest, and congratulations on taking this essential first step to open employment, greater confidence and independence.
When you decide to connect with me, you don’t just receive an employment program; it is experienced, tailored and flexible one-on-one mentoring. To meet your needs and goals, nobody else.
Employment for someone with a disability. It is not just a job; it is a beautiful and challenging life transition for you and your family. It affects every aspect of your life. I am there!
- I have been assessing and mentoring young people in disability, mental health, training, employment, and recreation for a long time since I was a teen.
- Cert IV In Residential and Community Care With Children (aged 1-17)
- Three years as a Houseparent for a boarding school for children (aged 8-13) with Attention Deficit Disorder
- 2012 Edge Employment Solutions Employee Of The Year voted by my peers. Edge is a leading Australian Disability Employment Service (DES).
- 2013 WA Disability Service Award Finalist for my work, passion and determination in disability employment services and youth Traineeships & Apprenticeships.
- Over 10 years of experience employment in Reverse Marketing and Job Creation success. (Read Q&A What Is Reverse Marketing and Job Creation below)
- Extensive experience achieving results with Centrelink through knowledge and dedication.
- Experience working together with families, Support Coordinators, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Exercise Physiologists, Support Workers and government agencies
- Seven years of experience connecting with high schools to assist individual students to reach their goals
How Our Time Together Works.
I offer a mobile service, so this means I come to your home. I can pick you up or meet you at your location of choice, like a cafe, library, or park; we can even go for a walk. Service providers like myself offer a mobile service and charge travel time and fuel to and from our meeting place.
Mentoring Service Agreement
Read the Mentoring Service Agreement for further information.
“Didier has the ability not only to get results but also to create magic,” said a former CEO/Employer.
Q & A
What Is Open Employment?
Open employment is when people with and without disability work together in regular jobs and are paid the correct Award for that job.
What Is Reverse Marketing and Job Creation?
Reverse Marketing has been proven to be the most successful job search method for people with disability and significant barriers to employment. It is looking at job search back to front. Instead of matching the vacancy to the person, we match the individual’s goals and abilities to a job or task. This can take longer to achieve, but finding the right boss is 50% to an ongoing happy job for all involved.
Job Creation is meeting with an employer and creating a position or task that was not there before or a job description that is chopped into two. Normally, a full-time job becomes two part-time roles. One of the part-time roles meets the needs and capabilities of a person with a disability, and the other role meets someone else’s needs and capabilities. Again, finding the right boss is half the battle.
The Next Step
If you already have SLES Funding in your NDIS Plan, give me a call to chat. Ask your parent, OT, or Support Coordinator to call me, which is also good. If you don’t have SLES funding in your plan but would like to or have questions, speak to your Support Coordinator or me at 0410 756 065.